Kaboo Studio is a registered provider under the Service NSW Active and Creative Kids program. Families receiving a Family Tax Benefit can apply for 2 x $50 vouchers per year for each eligible child on the ServiceNSW website. Voucher 2 - 2024 and Voucher 1 - 2025 can be used before 14 July 2025.
How to redeem when making a booking
To redeem an Active and Creative Kids Voucher, please follow these steps:
Click on BOOK A SESSION at the top of this page, and select a booking slot.
Fill out the booking form, including the 10 character voucher code (numbers and letters) located under the QR code.
Select offline payment at checkout.
We will then redeem the voucher(s) and issue you with a secure payment link (via text or email) to pay the balance of the booking. As we require payment for all customers at the time of booking, failure to pay the balance within 24 hours or prior to the session commencing (whichever is shorter) may result in your booking being cancelled.
Can I use the voucher for a future booking?
Yes! As long as the Active & Creative Kids Vouchers are redeemed with us before the expiry date they can be booked for future sessions after the expiry date.
What if I'm unsure when I'd like to attend?
No need to stress! Make a booking in the future and decide later on. Bookings can be rescheduled free of charge with 48 hours notice. For more details read our Cancellation and Refund Policy
Further questions
Should you have any further questions on how to redeem, please send an email to info@kaboostudio.com.au with:​
A photo of the voucher(s) including the number(s)
The session time and date of booking